Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Version 2.0 !

so hey everyone, welcome to the year 2008. big year for me (ie graduation) haha. so hey, also we got THinK biG V2.0 which is now on thursdays from noon to 2pm on the same bat channel . My home gurl samantha has her own gig now, its fridays 10am-12pm and it's called " in the meantime". If you need your indie rock fix, check her out! Listen to both shows! So yea, THink biG V2.0 is now mostly hip hop, soul, and R&B. But its still the same goodness you loved before but now with new and exciting stuff!! haha... i'm leave you wit my fav video out right now..check it, its from the OG, the D - O - Double G.
