Thursday, May 10, 2007

Samantha's vegetarian diet and well music related things

I forgot how much I love Blogger and just blogging in general. Let's hear it for Aaron because this new blog is lovely. I hope everyone enjoys this space because we do! Feel free to leave comments and tell us what you like, what you don't like, band suggestions, good/bad jokes, ask us on dates, whatever!

So as Aaron stated in an earlier post, we randomly decided to become vegetarians for two weeks during our show last Saturday night. Now those of you who previously know me will recall that I was a vegetarian from my senior year of high school until the summer of last year. So I guess being a vegetarian for two weeks will be a piece of cake for me, yeah? I'm not going to lie, it's pretty easy to get back into not eating meat because I still don't consume a lot of meat. My diet so far consisted of veggie sandwiches, salads, tofu curry, cheese pizza, burritos w/ veggie meat, and I can't recall the rest, but I promise it was all meat-free!

In other news, programming has returned and Think Big! was heard around the world for the first time in a month or so! It's great to be back with a beautiful new console and it was wonderful having Aaron in the station with me this time around. Unfortunately, I will be Aaron-less this weekend, but please do tune in and keep me company. As always, the best way to contact us during the show (which is on Saturdays, midnight-2 a.m., but you already knew that) is via AIM on bruinradio. There will be a theme, which I haven't decided on yet, but it will be very exciting! Request a song and dedicate to your mom in honor of Mother's Day or something. Ha, until this Saturday everyone.

Think Big! loves you,


Anonymous said...

Why would you go vegie? Meat tastes soo good!!

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know how it happened! We just started talking about it on our show and lo and behold we made a pact to got meatless for two weeks! And yes, meat does taste soooo good!