Saturday, May 12, 2007

This is proof of my limited Photoshop skillz

I don't think I even have Photoshop, but I used whatever my lap top has. Look what I made! Haha, it's really no big deal, but I actually created something.

I've put this up on my Myspace just because I'm so darn proud of myself. Yes, I know I just added some text to the picture that Aaron found on the Internet, but I also cropped it so boo yah!

We have a show tonight so please tune in. The theme is going to be "Ladies Night" in honor of Mother's Day. The theme was suggested to me a couple weeks back(by Mr. John Carlos Balcita) when was still down so I wasn't able to do it. I thought this weekend would be the perfect weekend to have an all-female show in lieu of Mother's Day! I will be accompanied by my lovely older sister, Stephanie. She promised only to come if I drove us down tomorrow morning to San Diego to visit our mom. What a sister, right? Haha. So yeah, it's all about girl power tonight. No boys allowed (you can still listen though, boys)!

Think Big! loves you,

P.S. Have a request for tonight? Leave us a comment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say, I think you had a pretty cool guest host on Saturday for Ladies Night!